Sports Photography Tips for Ironman Lanzarote 70.3 | Camera Settings & Techniques


Ironman Lanzarote 70.3 is an intense and exciting triathlon event that attracts athletes from around the world. As a sports photographer, capturing the energy and emotion of the athletes in action can be a rewarding and challenging experience. In this post, I will provide you with tips and techniques for capturing great sports photos at Ironman Lanzarote 70.3, including camera settings, composition, and editing.

II. Getting Prepared for Sports Photography at Ironman Lanzarote 70.3

Before heading out to capture the action, it's important to be prepared. Research the event schedule and locations to plan for the best photo opportunities. Check the weather forecast and prepare accordingly with protective gear for both yourself and your equipment. Scout out locations and angles ahead of time to get a better idea of what types of shots you want to capture. Unfortunately the whole course was not very spectator friendly, so swim and run shots were limited to none. However, bike shots were plenty and I was able to catch the riders at a few spots located beforehand.

III. Camera Settings for Sports Photography at Ironman Lanzarote 70.3

Choosing the right camera settings is crucial for capturing great sports photos. Use a fast shutter speed of 1/1000 or faster to freeze action shots. Choose a low aperture of f/2.8 to f/5.6 for a shallow depth of field and to blur the background. Adjust the ISO to maintain a proper exposure in different lighting conditions. Use continuous autofocus to track moving athletes. My go to lens for 99% of my Sports Photography and in particular for this event is the Sony 70-200mm f/2.8 Mark II GM.

IV. Techniques for Capturing Action Shots of Athletes at Ironman Lanzarote 70.3

Capturing great action shots of athletes requires more than just technical settings. Use panning techniques to capture athletes in motion. Shoot from a low angle to create a sense of drama and power. Capture facial expressions and emotions to convey the intensity and emotion of the event. Anticipate the movements of the athletes and adjust your positioning to capture them at the right moment. Use leading lines to guide the viewer's eye through the photo and create a sense of motion. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to add interest and variety to your shots.

V. Tips for Editing Sports Photos from Ironman Lanzarote 70.3

Editing your photos can take your sports photography to the next level. Use editing software to adjust exposure, contrast, and color balance to enhance the impact of your photos. Crop and straighten photos to improve composition and remove distractions. Use selective editing to highlight key elements of the photo, such as the athlete's face or the finish line. Consider converting some photos to black and white to add a classic or dramatic effect.

VI. Conclusion

Capturing great sports photos at Ironman Lanzarote 70.3 requires a combination of technical settings and creative techniques. By following these tips and techniques, you'll be able to capture the energy and emotion of the athletes in action. Remember to be prepared, experiment with different techniques, and have fun with your sports photography!

I have a YouTube video giving you a POV of my Sports Photography from the Ironman Lanzarote 70.3, which covers everything detailed in this Blog post. You can check this video out HERE!


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